Joss Works
Please choose a category below to view selected works of Joss Whedon, including his contributions ranging from writing, directing, producing, creating and acting. For more detailed information, visit his page at IMDB.
Television | Film | Comics | Other

Joss' Duties: Composer, Creator, Director, Producer, Writer
First Air Date (US): September 20, 2002
Last Air Date (US): December 13, 2002
Joss Episodes: See here
Cast: Nathan Fillion (Capt. Malcolm Reynolds), Gina Torres (Zoe Alleyne), Alan Tudyk (Hoban 'Wash' Washburne), Morena Baccarin (Inara Serra), Adam Baldwin (Jayne Cobb), Jewel Staite (Kaywinnit Lee 'Kaylee' Frye), Sean Maher (Dr. Simon Tam), Summer Glau (River Tam), Ron Glass (Shepherd Derrial Book)
Plot: The Earth's population has swelled so that the other planets have been terra-formed so people can live on them. A war has happened between the powerful Alliance and the Independents (Browncoats). Malcolm Reynolds, a Browncoat, captains his own Firefly class ship, Serenity. When he and his crew take on passangers to earn some extra money, they discover that two of them are being chased by the Alliance.

Joss' Duties: Actor (Cameo - Through the Looking Glass), Creator, Director, Producer, Writer
First Air Date (US): October 5, 1999
Last Air Date (US): May 19, 2004
Joss Episodes: See here
Cast: David Boreanaz (Angel), Charisma Carpenter (Cordelia Chase), Glenn Quinn (Doyle), Alexis Denisof (Wesley Wyndham Pryce), J. August Richards (Charles Gunn), Amy Acker (Winfred 'Fred' Burkle), Vincent Karthieser (Connor), Andy Hallett (Lorne), James Marsters (Spike)
Plot: Angel has now left Sunnydale, and Buffy, and embarks on his mission from the Powers That Be and gets help from Cordelia and a demon named Doyle. Together, the three form Angel Investigations. Wesley, no longer a watcher, joins them after Doyle's death. More people join Angel in his mission as he struggles with his past, as well as an evil law firm that tries to thwart his every move.

Joss' Duties: Composer, Creator, Director, Producer, Writer
First Air Date (US): March 10, 1997
Last Air Date (US): May 20, 2003
Joss Episodes: See here
Cast: Sarah Michelle Gellar (Buffy Summer), Nicholas Brendon (Xander Harris), Alyson Hannigan (Willow Rosenberg), Anthony Stewart Head (Rupert Giles), Charisma Carpenter (Cordelia Chase), David Boreanaz (Angel), Seth Green (Oz), James Marsters (Spike), Marc Blucas (Riley Finn), Emma Caulfield (Anya), Michelle Trachtenberg (Dawn), Amber Benson (Tara McClay)
Plot: Based on the 1992 film of the same name, Buffy Summers has now relocated to Sunnydale, California after slaying got her into some trouble in Los Angeles. She quickly finds her new watcher, Rupert Giles, and makes new friends, Xander and Willow, and discovers that Sunnydale is located on a Hellmouth. Buffy goes through many changes and many experiences in her life during her time in Sunnydale, with her friends fighting alongside her.

Joss' Duties: Writer (1989-1990)
First Air Date (US): October 18, 1988
Last Air Date (US): May 20, 1997
Joss Episodes: Little Sister, Brain-Dead Poets Society, Chicken Hearts, Born to Be Wild, Hair, Fathers and Daughters
Cast: Roseanne (Roseanne Harris Conner), John Goodman (Dan Conner), Sara Gilbert (Darlene Conner Healy), Lecy Goranson (Becky Conner Healy (1988-1992, 1995-1996)), Sarah Chalke (Becky Conner Healy (1993-1997)), Michael Fishman (David Jacob 'D.J.' Conner), Laurie Metcalf (Jackie Harris), Johnny Galacki (David Healy), Glenn Quinn (Mark Healy)
Plot: 'Roseanne' is the story of lower class family struggling with life's essential problems: Marriage, Children, Money and Parent's in Law. A classic sitcom, the story circles around the Connor family - a family of five (DJ, Darlene, Becky, Roseanne and Dan). The household's mother, Roseanne, is being accompanied in her quest to keep the family together by her sister Jackie and various friends over the years. (Source: IMDB)

Joss' Duties: Producer, Writer
First Air Date (US): September 2, 1990
Last Air Date (US): August 11, 1991
Joss Episodes: The Plague, Fun For Kids, Small Surprises
Cast: Ed Begley Jr. (Gil Buckman), Maryedith Burrell (Helen Buckman), Leonardo DiCaprio (Garry Buckman), David Arquette (Tod Hawkes), Bess Meyer (Julie Buckman Hawkes), William Windom (Frank Buckman), Mary Jackson (Great Grandma Greenwell), Jayne Atkinson (Karen Buckman), Thora Birch (Taylor), Tyrone Dorzell Burton (T.K.)
Plot: Based on the 1989 Steve Martin film, Parenthood is about grandparents Frank and Marilyn Buckman, their children, and their children's children. (Source:
The Office
Joss' Duties: Director (Business School, Branch Wars)
Joss' Duties: Director (Business School, Branch Wars)
Veronica Mars
Joss' Duties: Actor (Rat Saw God)
Joss' Duties: Actor (Rat Saw God)

Joss' Duties: Creator, Director, Producer, Writer
First Air Date (US): 2009
Cast: Eliza Dushku, Olivia Williams, Tahmoh Penikett, Fran Kranz, Dichen Lachman, Enver Gjokaj, Harry J. Lennix, Miracle Laurie, Amy Acker
Plot: A secret and illegal futuristic facility (the "Dollhouse") wipes clean the personalities of its residents ("dolls") and imprints them with new personas for the purpose of hiring them out for jobs, crimes, and fantasies.
Ripper (TV Movie)
Joss' Duties: Director (?), Producer (?), Writer (?)
Status: Announced (Rumor?)
Joss' Duties: Director (?), Producer (?), Writer (?)
Status: Announced (Rumor?)